ST Kinder Gooves Reviewed
"Happy Music for Immature People"
Here is a fabulous collection of 77 eclectic and diverse songs brought to you by longtime nilist rockers, KF, Trash and the boys (and friends!). This 6-hour long romp includes traditional American folk songs, a Japanese tune, classics from Australia and West India, Belarus, Marrocco, Pago Pago, Ireland, Niger, Brazil, Mexico, Hawaii, Canada, England and Iowa along with outstanding original pieces by the decadent rockers from Stuttgart. And again the brilliantly talented KF Nibla is joined by a cast of solid well-groomed musicians including Bob Weir (Grateful Dead), composer Philip Glass, Deborah Harry, Rob Zombie, and Ozzy Osbourne. KF and his trusty partner in crime, Dr. Mark Samuel Trash, are quickly singing their way into the hearts of children and adults alike because they undestand that music making is good family fun and can create a cash flow like no other. Age focus 5-9.
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