
Opening Act is named for ST's Spring Tour

After much specualtion, Canadian Thrash Metal act "Taste of the Whip" has agreed to open on Situation Tranquil's Northern Hemisphere 'The Gospel according to Puke --2007 tour'

ST teams up with a Legend

Clouds of mercy.mp...

Our heros recently stepped into a Bombay recording studio and much to their surprised they found longtime recording engineer, Gary Myers. Myers was in India to help produce that country's most famous hip hop artist, MC Singh's new CD 'Thank You (very much).

Myers stuck around for an extra day to help the Tranquils. KF told a worldwide conference call audience, "GM rocks. I dig his style....man."

Here's the result of their labor--Clouds of Mercy. This cut will soon be used in the PBS documentary 'Swans in the Grinder'.


Rave Reviews

One Groovy Tune at a Time

Speaking in a recent article publish in 'The Workers' Review' Legendary pianist Jim Sobcook found himself praising situation Tranquil and their now famous website/bog.

Q. Besides practicing and the occasional concert what do you like to do with your time?

A. "I like to spend time in on my yacht cruising the North Sea.
And by the way, I truly enjoyed going through the archives of ST's website/Blog. What a creative endeavor. It's a reality show as is. Every thing up to the tunes. The varied lives, political undertones and tranquil situations are right on. And of course dealing with life's problems one groovy tune at a time. The perfect blend of asceticism, science and mystical mayhem. Can't wait for new album or blog update on my new bookmark."

There you have it. The man has spoken.


Sexiest Man Alive?

In a tongue-in-cheek interview with David Letterman on Tuesday night, Situation Tranquil rhythm guitar legend / barbeque guru Gary Frey said the also-rans in this year's competition for PEOPLE's Sexiest Man Alive are licking their wounds – particularly his pals KF Nibla and Dr. Tony Trash. "I worked hard for that one," Frey, this year's Sexiest Man, told the host of The Late Show on CBS. "I felt bad for KF, because he really wanted it. He campaigned hard for it, but he came up short."

The 45-year-old musician, who has never released a solo album, also had some choice words – and pictures – for Dr. Trash. Frey revealed that Trash was the mysterious "Reverend Ralph," who had taken out ads in Variety and The Hollywood Reporter congratulating him on the PEOPLE honor – while featuring a comically unflattering photo of Frey from yesteryear. Frey got back at Trash Tuesday, as Letterman showed a handful of embarrassing old photos of Trash with bad haircuts. Frey comically suggested they were part of a Sexiest Man Alive campaign gone horribly wrong. "He ran such a good campaign," Frey said, "but he got some bad advice along the way."

Asked about the responsibilities of being the Sexiest Man Alive, Frey jokingly replied, "You tour with the other guys (who've won the award). We've got a bus. It's Dan Rusanowsky's bus. You get a sash and a scepter and, well, we don't like to call it a tiara."


Showing A New Fusebox

New Yet Old But Still New in an Old Way

OBERTURKHEIM, GERMANY - The S.T. boys are back, as the new band Fly the Fucking plane ... Faggot!

Guitarists Iggy Burnett and Ennis "Lawnmower" Hair, bassist Franz Nibla, drummer Markus Elman, percussionist Jim "Noobies' Friend" Beach and singer/keyboardist W.V. Trash - former members of American legendary supergroup Situation Tranquil - are forming the band named after their 1991 hit, according to their publicist Ralph Sims. They plan to launch an international tour next year, kicking it off in the Galapagos Islands, if an accord can be met with the Ecuadorian government.

"The fans have been wanting to see this for years and years. Now was just the time," the band's new manager Doris Hunter (seen below) said Wednesday.

Original Tranquil vocalist Roy "The Wok" Wokosin said in a statement that he wished Trash and Nibla well, and he made it clear there was still only one Situation Tranquil.

"Dok Trash and KF Nibla are working on a project together which has nothing to do with ST. There is only one ST, and it's spelled with an S and a T," Wok said in a statement released by publicist David "Ben" Benevidez.

"Wok, Lawnmower, Iggy and Elmo will be touring late next year along with a new Situation Tranquil album," Benevidez said. "However, Wok wishes KF and Dr. Trash much success in their project together."

Since its formation in 1981, Situation Tranquil has undergone numerous member changes and reunions. Co-founder Trash, who replaced Wokosin as lead vocalist when Wok left in 1987 to pursue a modeling and fencing career, has been recording new songs with Nibla in Northern California, Hunter said.

The members of Fly the Fucking plane ... Faggot! are currently in the studio, recording their "first" album. Fly the Fucking plane ... Faggot!'s first album will tentatively be titled "Shut Up And Die Like A Man", and is reported to consist entirely of Situation Tranquil covers.


Radio: Live Transmission

Last night veteran rocker and Situation Tranquil frontman KF Nibla appeared as a guest on Westwood One's radio program "Rock Legends". What follows are high points of the 4 hour broadcast.

WW1: Why fans should continue to care about the Band?

KF --"Music creates that resonance which vibrates through the whole being, lifting the thought above the denseness of matter; it almost turns matter into spirit, into it's original condition through the harmony of vibrations touching every atom of one's whole being".

WW1: Any truth to the rumor that the band is breaking up due to internal personality conflicts?

KF -- "At one time or another in our professional careers, most of us have had to deal with someone that we just couldn’t get along with. Despite the best of intentions and an all-out effort, antagonism and conflict seemed to rule. Fortunately, such situations seem few and far between.
As a leader, however, I've found that these situations surface more frequently among the people who work for me. But quite frankly I see this band as an expression of my visonary quest for truth. If my bandmates can't handle that I suppose maybe they should find a new job."

WW1: Can you tell us what is the basis for this in fighting with you and the rest of the band?

KF --Well quite simply, normal matter, the stuff of people and planets, is only about 4% of the combined matter and energy in the universe. Dark matter, invisible and exotic physical particles, and dark energy, a gravity-defying force behind the continuing expansion of the universe, makes up the rest."

WW1: I don't understand?

KF -- "The book of Ecclesiastes deals with the mysteries, the strange enigmas, that confront us in many of the situations we go through in life, the situations which make us ask the ever-recurring question, "Why? Why should this happen to me?"

WW1: KF what does this have to do with your band?

KF -- "I have been meditating on this, observing, seeking and thinking about it. I have come to the conclusion that even though we may understand that we are in the hand of God, nevertheless it is difficult to know from the events that happen to us whether we have his approval or his disapproval."

WW1: OK. Let's move on. Critics have stated that Situation Tranquil is no longer relevent in terms of what their music says to even the most dedicated of fans. How would you address those critics?

KF -- "Ha! The critics you ask. How can one tell when an entity is alive? It would be relatively straightforward to offer a practical set of guidelines if one's only concern were life on Earth as we know it, but as soon as one considers questions about life's origins on Earth, or the possibility of extraterrestrial life, or the concept of artificial life, it becomes clear that the question is fundamentally difficult and comparable in many respects to the problem of defining intelligence.
That's what I would say to all those hacks who make their bread from trying to understand our music and our motive."


Far Out!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

More evidence for the big bang continues, specifically the inflation theory, thanks to the NASA probe WMAP. The age of the universe is now estimated at 13.7 billion years old following the big bang that caused one tremendous expansion of the universe in less than a trillionth of a second.

Currently rock supergroup Situation Tranquil is recording an opus dedicated to the physics of life, death, rebirth and rocking out. The masterwork will be titled "The Fabric of the Cosmos."

"Our end goal is to provide our fans with new insight. We hope to be able to discuss physics and cosmology in layman's terms with a wit and wonder to boot." said long-time bassist and ST mastermind KF Nibla. "I'm awed by the vastness of the universe and cell phones. I'm also awed by tasty Denver Omelettes, and Fed-ex. How do they do it?"

Situation Tranquil hired noted astral physicist Jonathon Barber of Oakland Community College in their reseach of the subject. Barber, 48 told the mop-topped boys, "All that we can see is a radius of 13.7 billion light years in distance, yet we now know that that radius is only a dot in the expanse of the universe. Conceivable there are parts of the universe that are trillions of light years distant. There may be no limit that we can even describe.The information that is being revealed by the probe are more supportive of the big bang of the inflaton (without the i) theory."

ST keyboard wizard Dr. Howard Trash was amazed by the theory. "Man I thought Montana was big. This is like really off the hook wicked."

This theory is explained by Barber in his new book, "But inflaton explains why the big bang happened as it did. It doesn't explain what was before the big bang or why we had a big bang. Those questions will probably never be answered. Unless you care to say God did it. But that begs the question of who or what created God? In a cause and effect world and universe, what is the ultimate cause? How can there be a beginning when everything we know shows that something came before. Things we consider a "beginning" really have something that made that beginning. A baseball game doesn't start on the first pitch, that's not the beginning of the game. It is a cumulation of players showing up, equipment being assembled, a diamond that was made sometime earlier, a history to depend on that allows for rules, etc., etc. It's the chicken or the egg, which came first? They came together, evolving beginning by beginning which weren't really beginnings. We can follow the chicken and the egg all the way back to the big bang that created the matter the chicken and egg needed to be made from.Our universe may have been born from another universe, the theory is completely plausible but at this point unprovable. That chicken/egg may have come from a previous universe and universes. Our own universe may be giving birth through an inflationary burst (a big bang) to other universes, yet how would we know? We can't flip back and forth between universes to compare them, to verify them. At least as far as know now, we can't or are not doing that.The one answer we may never be able to acheive, in a cause and effect universe was there an ultimate cause? Was there an actual beginning, nothing before?"

Barber's spaced out concepts provide the band with unbeforeseen new inspiration. The new CD intertwinds many of Barber's concept. But make no mistake, it will rock out hard.

The 2 CD set "The Fabric of the Cosmos" will be in stores april 3rd.


Boom Boom Out Goes the Lights

ST Mourns Habs Legend

ATLANTA (AP) -- Bernie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion, the hockey Hall of famer credited with inventing the slap shot and avid collector of Situation Tranquil memorabilia died Saturday before his No. 5 jersey was retired by the Montreal Canadiens.

Geoffrion, who helped lead powerhouse Montreal teams to six Stanley Cups in the 1950s and early '60s, later served as 'official archivist' for the American pop group Situation Tranquil died after a brief battle with stomach cancer. He was 75.

Geoffrion died in an Atlanta hospital, ST band member Dr. Horace K. Trash reported. His cancer was discovered during surgery last week during a ST rehearsal session in Peru.

He didn't live to see his number retired, but still was able to relish the recording of ST's soon to be released rock opera "Missing in Manila: the Life of a Studious Serpent". Boom Boom had commented recently to the British rock periodical Melody Maker, "It may be their best work yet, and that mon bon ami is parleing something."

Geoffroin was also noted a a great profenssion mens ice hockey player for the famous Montreal Canadiens. Asked about the recent release and remastering of ST's entire catalog it was reported in the Wall St Journal, "He had known six months ago, and he enjoyed every minute of it," Band mastermind and chief punk KF Nibla said. "At least it's not like we decided to do it after he passed away."

The Canadiens professional men's ice hockey group went ahead with the ceremony honoring his PMIH career by playing Geoffrion's longtime favorite CD, ST's 1994 masterpiece "Man Overboard and Under Fed" in it's entirety prior to Montreal's match with the New York Rangers.

"His taste in music was impecable."Said Canadiens great Howie Morenz, just as Geoffrion predicted many years ago when the couple was dating. And there's nothing wrong with that in these changing times.

"Tonight marks the realization of his life's dream and brings closure to a magnificent career," said ST manicurist Jeanette Moore.

Jeanette addressed the crowd in English, and ST go go dancer Ken Weeks spoke in French. A moment of silence was observed in Bernie Geoffrion's honor just moments later the band Situation Tranquil broke into a live version of their hit single "Monkey Breath."